Saturday 30 June 2012

Blue cool...

The accesories is from a second hand shawl. I decided to recycle their accesories here.
Coptic binding stitch...
Blue...often make me see above up in the sky...and the words that blue is always make me feeling's like a cotton candy in a white paper...during my childhood in kampung ..emak likes to buy cotton candy when we went to visit funfair. The other thing that i always asked emak to buy was a balloon. Both cotton candy and balloon really inspired me to be a behave kiddy but now i know all my nieces and nephews were not allowed to eat cotton candy because of the sweetness...sigh!
A scond hand accesories..took it from old shawl..don't want to wear it i better recycle it as apart of craft thing..
I never plan to create like came instantly when i sat down in a work station. One by one or step by step...and within two hours...the book is ready. This is a best therapeutic for me. Sewing, stitching, cutting or else crafting are my task. If you give me a task like secretary...arghhh i die but if you lock me in a paper factory or craft store..ok im alive!
Sorry for a bad quality pic.
Fabrick: Gill Quilt Shop, Bangsar Village.
Size: Medium/A5
Ribbon: Satin type.


  1. 1 : but they still can have a ballons aite?

    2 : blue artic is just like my kereta buatan malaysia.

  2. 1. Yerp..really sure even if the mother said no, the kids will ask and ask till they get it..

    2. Noted..
